Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.
Exhibition Kruispunt Rotterdam. Photo: Wereldmuseum.
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Huipil_Mexico_1969_Collectie Museum Volkenkunde_RV-4436-290b
Julian Knxx, On Freedom of Movement (wi de muv) 2023 | fotocredit Aad Hoogendoorn
© Queera Wang (3)
Overview photo of the room Entangled. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn
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Overview exhibition
Photocredit Alexander Santos Lima
Lacquered box for court robe_China 1661-1722_Collection Wereldmuseum_RV-1653-1
Overview photo of the closeness and intimacy room. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn
Tentoonstelling Kolonialisme en Rotterdam
Overzichtsfoto tentoonstelling
Foto: Aad Hoogendoorn
Restitutie 25noc24 | Foto Boudewijn Bollmann
Hair yarn woven carpet, with monogram from fashion house Louis Vuitton; Antonin Mongin, France, 2018; hair, transparent nylon thread. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn
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Wandversiering Geborduurde afbeelding van Lakshmi_India_ca.1900_Collectie Tropenmuseum_TM-6150-1