


The collections of the Wereldmuseum were assembled and exhibited to enhance visitors’ understanding of the world and to promote trade and missionary work. However, these collections were also created from a predominantly colonial and Eurocentric perspective. We carry this complex history with us, which is why we have chosen to take a proactive and urgent approach.

We firmly believe that a deeper understanding of history and the world around us will help create a better future for everyone. Would you like to support us in our mission? Your contribution, whether large or small, is incredibly important to us. You can make a donation to Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, IBAN NL 17 ABNA 0516 0093 11, with ‘donation’ as the reference.

Tax benefits

Are you considering making a one-time or recurring donation to the Wereldmuseum? Our foundation is designated as a Cultural ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation), which provides donors with several options for deducting donations from their income tax in The Netherlands.

Further information

Josine Hoogenraad