Dossier Indië
Video file
3 January 2021

Dossier Indië exhibition

Ended | This exhibition was on display until 3 January 2021.


A different look at colonial photography

The history of Indonesia under colonialism

The earliest photographs depict an idealised image of a glorious Dutch East Indies. The exhibition shows how 19th century photographers shaped a mythical image of the colonies. But in the late 19th century and in the 20th century, the photographs gradually change in character to lay bare a more accurate picture of the relations in colonial society. The perspective shifts from the Dutch colonials to the colonized Indonesian people.

The Rotterdam-based photographer Stacii Samidin photographed the series Merdeka!

Dossier Indië, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam

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Landrentewerkzaamheden in de Preanger Regentschappen
Dossier Indië

In de media: Dossier Indie


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Fotocredit Stacii Samidin
3 January 2021

Exhibition Merdeka!

Rotterdam-based photographer with Indonesian roots Stacii Samidin was commissioned by Rotterdam’s World Museum to make the series Merdeka!