Campagnebeeld Kolonialisme en Rotterdam

Campaign images

Colonialism and Rotterdam campaign images

Wereldmuseum Rotterdam invited two extraordinary creatives, whose work also features in the exhibition, to work on the design of two campaign images for Colonialism and Rotterdam. We would like to introduce them to you here.

Hedy Tjin

Since graduating from the HKU art college in Utrecht, Hedy has completed a huge number of fabulous projects, in her unique and instantly recognisable style. She is known for her versatility, producing murals, textile prints, book illustrations and magazine covers, in which socially relevant topics are highlighted in her distinctive style, one element of which is the use of strong colours. Driven by a desire to use her work as a vehicle for inclusivity and openness, she hopes that her work – full of lively, vibrant images – will invite her audience to explore complex subjects in a new and inviting way. Hedy and author Henna Goudzand Nahar also designed the thematic space based on the story Op de rug van Bigi Kayman.

With her talent for graphic art, Hedy has produced a beautiful, narrative illustration featuring elements that perfectly represent the city of Rotterdam.


Ruby Joemai

In her Kaam Kari La project, Ruby Joemai focuses on the relationship between clothes and identity, highlighting the pressure to succeed which she experienced as a child of migrants. (Hum) Kaam Kari La means ‘I am working’ in Sarnami, the Hindostani language of Suriname. Ruby is also a versatile creative, who works as an art director, filmmaker and concept creator.

Her work in the exhibition combines elements of Hindostani culture and contemporary office wear.

The creativity of Ruby and her work are clearly reflected in the campaign image for Colonialism and Rotterdam.
