Say Yes - International trends in wedding fashion
Discover the vibrance and meaning of wedding fashion at the SAY YES exhibition at Wereldmuseum Rotterdam. From January 31 to October 26, 2025, embark on an inspiring journey through wedding traditions and modern designs from various cultures. Be amazed by iconic creations, innovative trends, and the deeper stories behind this extraordinary fashion.
Wedding attire is much more than just a dress or suit; it is an expression of identity, tradition, and connection. With SAY YES, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam invites you into the rich world of international wedding fashion. From January 31 to October 26, 2025, explore how wedding styles from different cultures are being rediscovered and how traditional elements are innovatively reinterpreted in contemporary design.
World Story: Yamuna Forzani: An Ode to Femme Queens
Yamuna Forzani is a multidisciplinary artist and queer activist. Her work revolves around creating a utopia in which her community is central and celebrated.